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Shia scholars reject what has been asserted in history regarding Abdullah bin Saba’; their reason for this is that in the chain of transmitters of this story, there is Seyf bin Umar whom they consider famous for his lying. Please give some examples of his lies that he has become famous for, along with citations and references.

The true Islam is that which the Shia follow, the teachings of which Imam Ali (as) has received from the prophet and transmitted to his followers. The attribution of Shia beliefs to a Jew by the name of Abdullah bin Saba’, as many intellectual and narrative reasons affirm, is an all out lie. One of the reasons for its being forged, is the fact that Seyf bin Umar is the narrator of the story. This by itself is enough to prove our point, because not only is Seyf bin Umar devoid of all credibility in the eyes of the Shia, but Sunni scholars also consider his hadiths unreliable and see him as a liar. Some believe him to be a zindiq (a follower of Manichaeism) who would alter hadiths. Considering the unreliability of this individual in the view of scholars, his books and hadiths are also devoid of any credibility whatsoever.[i] .

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Created in 1400/12/21

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